Is Punk Rock?

The conundrum that has slither't down through the eons - | - what kind of beastly is it really? - | - worl _ | _ the late Great Raymond Lowry asked why the punk phenomena was so culturaly narrow - | - culturally less so than the Haight Ashbury scenario - | - this seems less so truthful now when ILLK, Slim Cessna or even the Raw power are part of the folding - | - latitudinarian churchmanship indeed - |- deck chairs aboard this sonic Titanic_ \ _ the wikipedia timeline had some references early on to the sonicS and the Monks but not the Bees
  • This seemed a great idea before I actually started it and it went srongly pear shaped very quickly
Note image is from Ray lowry's Website where many of his fine works are on sale ....


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