Is that even vaguely true? Or Did You See It In the Daily Anthrax

This afternoon our leader Ms Gillard seemingly could not help herself and got in step for the triumphalism of the moment
I was also dissapointed to learn that the so called war on terror is not over
Too much is invested in it 4 newspaper column inches and 20 billion in counter-insurgencyprograms
The humans read the front page of the newspaper that you have when you dont pay for one.
The back page was a full page ad - gift cards iTunes, Big W that kind a thing - how was that sold - you'll be just over the fold from the biggest and baddest anti-celebrity killed in the name of peace


The story posibly only on the cover unless Sections
  • News – Short items of 'legitimate' news such as national and state politics, including the next day's weather forecast. Located on page 2.
  • Juice – Celebrity gossip. Located on page 3.
  • Sport – Located on the final two or three pages. Thought so.


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